Friday, May 8, 2020

Is Networking Working For You

Is Networking Working For You If networking isnt working for you, maybe you need to change your ideas about what networking actually is. Networking means different things to different people. For some, networking is that mysterious executive function only done by the upper tiers of a corporation. For others, networking is connecting regularly with friends for lunch. Networking to the tech team involves software and hardware and creative solutions to computer glitches. All the definitions of networking include the basic concept of interconnecting individual parts.  That interconnection creates the larger unit we call a networkand your own definition of networking is influenced by what you see the network is in relation to you. Do you think that you have no place in a network? Think again: are you part of a family? do you see people during the week? do you communicate with anyone using some sort of technology? Each one of those points is a networking opportunity. You are already part of some type of network, and you probably are part of several different networks. The workplace, job searches, religious affiliations, family, even regularly attended locations like a coffeeshop or online social media are networks. If you dont recognize them as such, then the challenge is to change the way you interact with your networks so that you improve your part of the process. Learn more about what you can do to improve your networking. This can mean everything from deliberately listening when folks talk to you to investing in professional coaching like The Job Search Success System. Subscribe to blogs like this one, as well as to those relating to your interests. Comment on those blogs; that back-and-forth interaction is the foundation of networking. At its most basic level, networking is the acknowledgement that we do not function in isolation.  We are part of networks in every area of our lives: from transportation and supply systemsto the way you are reading this postwith all the people your life touches in between. What you do within your networks makes a difference in your future and the future of those around you.

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