Sunday, May 10, 2020

Exciting News Read My New Career Mojo Column in The Business Journals Nationwide

Exciting News â€" Read My New “Career Mojo” Column in The Business Journals Nationwide The #1 way to research companies, find jobs, and network in your city is to take advantage of all of the features of your local weekly Business Journal. (If you’re not familiar with your local Business Journal, find it here: I’m proud to announce that my new national Business Journal column, Career Mojo, is appearing each week across the country. I am editing and managing Career Mojo; sharing my articles and videos that cover important trending issues and providing practical and helpful career advice. Whether you are employed or unemployed; work in a small, medium, or large company; or need help hiring or getting hired; Career Mojo will be invaluable to you. Here are some examples of the subjects I’ll be covering in Career Mojo: Cut the Crap, Get a Job! Tips and tricks, mistakes to avoid, and innovative new process steps you can take Business networking for results Hiring manager secrets from the front line Career growth â€" how to get promoted Sales and marketing success in small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) The Business Journals, a division of American City Business Journals, are full of the latest local business news, including mergers and acquisitions, career changes, and local trends and issues. The Business Journals showcase the largest, fastest-growing, and best companies. And every Business Journal publishes an annual Book of Lists, included in an annual subscription or available for purchase separately. Published both in print and online, the Business Journals nationwide are committed to providing a wide variety of valuable information to their subscribers and the online viewership has grown to more than 7 million visitors monthly. If you have any specific topics of interest that you would like me to write about, I’d love to hear them!

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