Sunday, December 1, 2019

Answering the Questions on the Minds of New Hires - Spark Hire

Answering the Questions on the Minds of New Hires - Spark HireQuestions rule the job search and new hire process. From those in the interview to the inquiries throughout the first few weeks, recruiters and job candidates alike are riddled by many different things. While most questions are answered in great detail, there are a few crucial questions that go encourages recruiters and hiring managers to address these questions head-on and without any prompting from job candidates or new hires. After all, these are the types of questions that most people will be afraid to ask before they start their new job.Many new hires are going to wonder who they beat out and why. While you cant disclose actual names, you can share why they impressed you above the rest, says If they had the best interview answers, tell them If they seemed to be the type of person you want clients to meet, let them knowBut dont forget to include that you see them becoming very successful i n this position and fitting in well with the company. Sharing your hopes for success gives them something to strive toward as they grow with the company.Other questions, according to, are going to have more to do with the company culture. New hires are wondering if theyll have fun at this job or whether or not theyll make friends with other employees. As a recruiter or hiring manager, you can imagine why new hires keep these questions to themselves.New employees dont want to come across as total slackers who only see a job for the social benefits it can have for them. But as points out, fun is a big deal to employees everywhere. Understand that your employees can work very hard and produce big results while having fun at the office. Providing these outlets for employees not only increases employee engagement but also prevents burnout. Plus, it makes a great first impression for new hires.Finally, there are those random, first day questions that every new hire has t hat you can address before they start their new job. These are questions about parking, dress code, eating lunch in the office, etc. says that providing answers to these questions before the first day will result in a new hire who comes in ready to work and not worry about whether or not someone will ask them to lunch.These may seem like simple questions, but they go a long way toward making a new hire feel valued. Starting a new job with that kind of confidence can make for an easier transition for everyone. And it wont be too long before that new hire is making invaluable contributions to your team.What other first day questions could recruiters and hiring managers clarify before new hires start a new job? Share now in our comments

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